How to copy a list of photos for Lightroom?
The functionnality "Copy the list for Lightroom" allows you to easily retrieve the selection from your client and look for corresponding photos in Lightroom. This button copies the file names with a comma between each.
In the gallery, select the photos you want to copy. Use the button Copy the list for Lightroom.
In Lightroom, enable the search field if it's not visible in Library > Search.
Use the "File name" and "contains" settings. Paste the list into the search field.
Select the photos from the search and right-click to apply a filter to identify this selection (rating, colors...).
To ensure that the Lightroom search works correctly, don't leave spaces in the names of your photos. You can use dashes "-".
In the gallery, select the photos you want to copy. Use the button Copy the list for Lightroom.
In Lightroom, enable the search field if it's not visible in Library > Search.
Use the "File name" and "contains" settings. Paste the list into the search field.
Select the photos from the search and right-click to apply a filter to identify this selection (rating, colors...).
To ensure that the Lightroom search works correctly, don't leave spaces in the names of your photos. You can use dashes "-".
Updated on: 22/04/2024
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