Articles on: The Workflows

How to create and set up a workflow?

To create a workflow, go to Settings > Modules > Workflows.

We offer two example workflows that you can duplicate or modify so you don't start from scratch. Otherwise, click on the New workflow button.

Start by giving your workflow a relevant name, so you can easily find it later. For example, "Wedding", "Studio", "Newborn", "Christmas Mini Session", "Viewing Session", etc.

The workflow editing screen is divided into 3 categories / columns, focus first on the right column "Shooting Date" which is the easiest to use.

Workflow configuration

The shooting date

In this column, you can schedule tasks, emails, and automatic SMS messages relative to your shooting date.

For example, you can schedule an automatic reminder email to be sent 2 days before the shooting date, an automatic thank-you email 2 days after the shooting date, etc.

The shooting confirmation date

The tasks, emails, and automatic SMS messages that you place in the middle category (shooting confirmation) will be scheduled relative to the shooting confirmation date. That is the date when the client signed their contract or the date when you yourself marked the shooting as "Confirmed" (by changing its status).

This category is ideal, for example, for sending an automatic thank-you email after signing the contract, sending a questionnaire to your client to collect more information about the desired shoot, etc.

The shooting creation date

The tasks and automatic emails that you place in the left column (shooting creation) will be scheduled relative to the date you created the shooting in Fotostudio.

This category is therefore mainly used for prospecting tasks such as following up with a prospect who has not yet responded to your offer, etc.

Adding a task, an automatic email, or SMS

Adding a task, an automatic email, or SMS

A task

To add a task, press the Add > Task button. You then need to choose a type of task (you can create your own types in Settings > Data > Task Types), a description, and a date.

Adding a task

Tasks will appear in your shooting file, and you can mark them as completed as you progress by "checking" them off. Tasks also appear on your dashboard (your Fotostudio home screen) and, if you wish, can also be displayed in your calendar.

An automatic email

To add an automatic email, click on the Add > Automatic email button. Enter the title and content of your email (or use a template you have already created) and then choose the sending date.

You also have the option to associate an action with this automatic email (send a questionnaire, a contract, an invoice from a payment plan, etc.).

Adding an automatic email

An automatic SMS

To add an automatic SMS, click on the Add > Automatic SMS button. Enter the title and content of your SMS (or use a template you have already created) and then choose the sending date.

Adding an automatic SMS

Updated on: 28/03/2024

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