Articles on: Contacts (Clients & Prospects)

What is the difference between a client and a prospect?

In Fotostudio, we distinguish 4 types of contacts: prospects, clients, suppliers, and partners.

A prospect

A prospect is a person who contacts you and has a shooting project. We don't know yet if we will work with this person.

The advantage of a prospect is that they are found in a dedicated menu Prospects and have a status (new, email sent, to be contacted again, etc.), which allows us to follow up with this person.

If a shooting is confirmed with a prospect (for example, a contract is signed), they will automatically become a client.

You can also manually convert a prospect into a client by modifying the contact. In the contact editing window, you can choose the type of your contact: prospect or client.

Editing a contact

A person who contacts you via your contact form becomes a prospect in Fotostudio.

A client

A client is a person with whom you are going to work or have already worked.

Updated on: 05/02/2024

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