Articles on: Contracts

How to have a contract signed by multiple people?

Do you want the session contract to be signed by both spouses-to-be? Or by both parents of a child? This is entirely possible.

In the shooting

In the file of a shooting, you can add a second contact associated with this shooting in the "Other contacts" section of the left column.

A connection cannot be associated with a shooting and therefore appear in a contract. Only a contact can be. For more information, see the article What is the difference between a connection and a contact?

For each additional contact added, you have the option to activate their presence in the contract (contact details and signature box) by clicking on the yellow Not in the contract button, which turns into a green This contact will be included in the contract button.

Each contact associated with the shooting will have their own signature box in the contract. The contract will not be validated until all parties have signed.

It is not necessary for the two contacts to be together to sign the contract. Each contact can access it to sign their box, and the contract will be marked as "Partially signed" while waiting for all the signatures.

In the contract

The coordinate variables in the contract (such as {name}, {first name}, {tel}, etc.) only concern the main contact.

To insert the coordinates of all the people associated with the shooting, you must replace the coordinate variables with the {clients} variable.

You can make this change either only in this particular contract (by modifying it in the shooting file), or in your contract template in [Settings > Data > Contract Templates & T&C].

Generally, it is recommended to use only the {clients} variable in your contracts. It will adapt depending on the number of contacts associated with the shooting.

Updated on: 08/02/2024

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