How to customize the information requested from your client before contract signing?
The standard data that Fotostudio requires for the signing of a contract include: name, surname, email, phone number, and address. In the absence of one or more of these pieces of information, a window will be offered to the client to fill them in before opening the contract. Standard data required for contract signing It's possible to customize the information requested by FotostuSome readersHow to have a contract signed online?
Fotostudio allows you to create, send, and have a contract signed online by your client. Once your contract is added to your shooting (in your shooting file, "Contrats" tab), you can send it using the Actions Send button. When the client accesses the contract via the link, they will be able to read it and find a signature box at the end. The online signature works on computer, mobile, or tablet. Once signed, the contract is sent as a PDF by email to the client and the photographer.Few readersWhy are the price variables not replaced in my contract?
Price variables in the contract are only replaced when the shooting price is set. This can be done by your client, when they accept a quote or select a package for their shooting. You can also set the shooting price by manually validating the quote or selecting a package from the "Quotes and Invoices" tab of the shooting file.Few readersHow to add a checkbox to a contract?
You have the option to add a checkbox for the client in the contract (just before the signature box) by enabling it in Settings Modules GDPR and Image Rights. You can associate it with the text you want. Configuration of checkboxesFew readersHow to add my own signature to a contract?
To integrate your signature into the contracts, you need to insert it as an image in your contract template.Few readersHow to disable the image rights checkbox in the contract (self-promotion)?
By default, your contracts include a checkbox for the client concerning image rights. This checkbox allows you to ask your client for permission to use their photos for your self-promotion (to publish on your website or social networks, for example). Legally, it is mandatory to ask for permission. However, you can disable this checkbox or modify the associated text if you wish. To do this, go to Settings Modules GDPR and Image Rights. ConfigurationFew readersHow to add a questionnaire to a contract?
When you create or modify a contract in Settings Contract Templates & T&C, you will find a field "Associated Questionnaire". You simply choose the questionnaire you want from among your questionnaire templates (which you can configure in Settings Data Questionnaire Templates). Editing a contract template ( readersHow to have a contract signed by multiple people?
Do you want the session contract to be signed by both spouses-to-be? Or by both parents of a child? This is entirely possible. In the shooting In the file of a shooting, you can add a second contact associated with this shooting in the "Other contacts" section of the left column.Few readersWhat is the difference between a contract and general terms and conditions of sale?
In the Fotostudio contract template, we have included all the data about the service (date, price, etc.) as well as the CGV. Thus, when your client signs the contract, they are also signing the CGV. If you want your CGV to appear in addition on your quotes and invoices, you can set default CGV for your types of shootings in Settings Data Shooting Types. Regarding the client's signature, Fotostudio only allows for the signing of a contract. TheFew readers