What variables are available?
In this article, you will find the complete list of available variables in Fotostudio. In Emails and Contracts Contact Variables firstname : first name lastname : last name email : email phone : phone street : street zipcode : zipcode city : city couSome readersHow to create my own variables?
In addition to the variables we offer in Fotostudio, you can create your own variables to use in your emails and contracts. To start, you need to create a new custom field in Settings Modules Custom Fields. Create a custom field When creating this fielFew readersWhy was my variable not replaced?
There are several reasons why a variable may not be replaced in an email or a contract. The variable content is not filled Examples: You did not specify a location name for your shooting. Therefore, the variable seancelieu is not replaced in the contract. You did not fill in your custom field. Hence, the variable customXXX displays empty. You attempted to use a variable outside its intended use Example: You created your own email template for sending quotes by inserting the vFew readersWhat is a variable?
Hello firstname ! Here, firstname is a variable. It is a tag that you can insert into your emails and contracts. The variable's name is enclosed in curly braces . With variables, you have the ability to write email and contract templates that will be the same for all your clients but will be personalized using variables. Examples: At the beginning of your emails, you can write "Hello firstname " and the firstname variable will be automatically replaced by your client's fFew readers